
dear expectant parents, to the obstetrics department of the Dr. Geisenhofer Women's Clinic!

The birth of a child is both an adventure and a challenge. We are very pleased to be able to accompany you through this special time in our clinic. Every year we welcome around 2,500 babies into the world, making us a top place in Munich - and Germany. The safety, security and well-being of mother and child are our top priority.

With specialist gynecological care for the mother and our neonatal intensive care unit (NIPS) with specially trained nursing staff and specialists for newborns (neonatologists), we can ensure the highest possible safety for mother and child around the clock. Our many years of experience, the best professional qualifications and a highly motivated team guarantee a smooth process.

The flair of the former city palace of the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen aristocratic family, the bright rooms with a view of the countryside, the loving nursing staff, the consistently praised in-house kitchen and the unique location in the English Garden round off the feel-good ambience.


[Bitte in "englisch" übersetzen:]
gender_mObstetricsSenior physicianPrenatal Diagnostics
Dr. med. Ute Jarchau
Medical Director, Sen. Physician Gynecology/Obstetrics
Hirschauer Straße 6
80538 München
Tel. 089 38311521Tel. 089 38311521
[Bitte in "englisch" übersetzen:]
gender_mCertified doctorObstetricsSenior physician
Dr. med. Eckhard Röhrig
Medical Director, Sen. Physician Gynecology/Obstetrics
Hirschauer Straße 6
80538 München
Tel. 089 333048Tel. 089 333048
Our attending physicians

Registration for childbirth in our clinic

1. Via our affiliated medical practices:
If you would like to give birth with one of our affiliated doctors, please make a one-time appointment at the practice of your choice (approx. 20-25 weeks of pregnancy). The attending doctor's office will register you for the birth in our clinic and accompany you during your delivery. Your current gynecologist will continue to provide further care during your pregnancy.
You can also indicate your preference for a single, double or family room at the affiliated doctor's office. However, we ask for your understanding that an assurance in advance is not possible. We would be happy to check the option on the day of your inpatient admission or the day before.
2. Additionally from April 1st, 2024:
In April 2024 we open our new main department for obstetrics directed by chief physician Dr. med. Ute Jarchau will. In addition to the affiliated doctor's practices, you can also visit our Dr. Geisenhofer MVZ register for the birth at the clinic.

In our Dr. Geisenhofer MVZ we are also offering the following prenatal diagnostic examinations from April 1st, 2024:

• First trimester screening, pre-eclampsia screening
• Doppler sonography
• 3D sonography (if medically indicated)
• Malformation ultrasound Degum stage II (organ screening, fetal echocardiography)
• Risk consultation for gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, growth retardation including birth planning

You can already make appointments in our MVZ for the period from April. Please feel free to contact us by phone, email or Doctolib:

Bayerstraße 27, 80335 Munich (until March 31, 2024)
Hirschauer Str. 6a, 80538 Munich (from April 1, 2024)
Telephone: 089 / 3831 1521
Email: info@geisenhofer-mvz.de

Appointments can also be made via Doctolib.

Information evenings

Would you like to get to know more about our clinic? If so, we warmly recommend visiting one of our information evenings or watching the video of our delivery room. For the information evenings, please register online. The participation at our information evenings is purely informative and are not a prerequisite for being admitted to our clinic.

Questions about pregnancy and birth

In our Elternzentrum we offer courses, lectures and individual advice (e.g. on breastfeeding) before and after the birth.

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